Nyle Dehydrators ICP1-FD24

Nyle Dehydrators ICP1-FD24

Location:Call For Location


DEHUMIDIFICATION: Units will consist of a closed loop dehumidification system with a nominal water removal rate of 24

lbs/hour. The drying temperature can be set over a range of 80°F to 160°F. The dehumidification chamber will include air

distribution and flow components to ensure even air flow through the racks.

The unit will meet the following specifications:

Parameter Value Units

Water Removal Rate* 24 lbs/hr

Drying Temperature (range) 80-160 °F

Chamber Capacity(racks not included) 8 Bakery Racks Quantity

Drying Area (20 – 40 trays/ rack) 520 – 1,040 ft2

Auxiliary Heat Capacity 12 kW

Electrical Supply See Below V/Ph/Hz

Approximate Dimensions (L x W x H) 16 x 5.75 x 9.5 ft

*Rated at 115°F dry bulb temperature and approximately 70% relative humidity

CONTROLS: Drying parameters will include temperature and relative humidity of chamber air. Parameters will be

monitored and controlled by the user from a 7” color touch screen display. Shutdown will occur when the relative

humidity setpoint is reached or when the cycle time expires.


ManufacturerNyle Dehydrators
Serial Number187379
Stock Number23354