Hughes Equipment Co. 12 Lane Power Sweet Corn Husker & Vibratory Feeder 032-4941D

Hughes Equipment Co. 12 Lane Power Sweet Corn Husker & Vibratory Feeder 032-4941D

Location:Ravenna, OH


Hughes 12 Lane Power Husker with 6 Lane Shaker Infeed for sweet corn. Shaker Feeder is equipped with a solid pan that feeds the corn into the hunker rolls. The husker is equipped with 12 lanes which account for a total of 24 rolls. The husker will remove husk, hair, and stank from the sweet corn. The 12 lane power husker is capable of pproximately 12-14 tons per hour depending on product quality and feed rate.


ManufacturerHughes Equipment Co.
Model12 Lane Power Sweet Corn Husker & Vibratory Feeder 032-4941D
Serial Number98-19133
Stock Number23420