Urschel Laboratories COMITROL Processor Model 5600

Urschel Laboratories COMITROL Processor Model 5600

Location:Ravenna, OH


The URSCHEK COMITROL Processor 5600 is capable of processing vegetables, curry, Ginger, coconut meat, beef, poultry, seafood, and textured vegetable protein. This comitrol is capable of 5,600 RPM at the impeller, witch is powered by 100 Hp motor. The impeller is feed by a screw auger powered by a 5 Hp. motor, witch has VFD control to regulate the feed rate to the impeller and head. Max size of product into the infeed is 2.5" in and dimension, this is also dependent of the setup of the machine such as head and impeller type choice.


ManufacturerUrschel Laboratories
ModelCOMITROL Processor Model 5600
Serial Number113
Stock Number24489